Application Process FAQs

  • What’s the difference between TOT and TBID funds?
    • If my project gets approved with TBID funds, what does that mean?
      • If your project or program is designated to be funded with TBID funds, then you will be notified via Submittable that the final decision for approval of funding will be made on December 4th, 2024 by the NTCA Board of Directors.
    • With TOT funds, what does that mean?
      • If your project/program is designated to be funded with TOT funds, you will be notified via Submittable and the final decision for approval of funding will be made by Placer County Board of Supervisors during their Tahoe meeting January.
    • Is the funding upfront or reimbursable?
      • Funding for most projects/programs is reimbursable. If awarded, you will be asked to submit quarterly progress reports that will include amounts for reimbursement. After submission of the quarterly progress reports, staff at NTCA and Placer County will review the form and invoices and then will process reimbursement checks (provided the project/program is progressing as planned).
  • How will I be notified about the status of my application?
    • All communication will happen through Submittable. Please make sure to check your junk mail and/or Submittable for updates on the status of your application or any other matters concerning your application.

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The TOT-TBID Dollars At Work program is powered by the North Tahoe business community. Thank you to the business owners who created the Tourism Business Improvement District. In partnership with Placer County.